Go big or go to bed.

"our journey is not what but who we are..."

Saturday, September 30, 2006


Some people come and go from our lives, however some, the precious ones, never really leave. This week has been all about re-connecting with a few very important people in my life. BESIDES the fact that miss gina is moving here (and I'm totally stoked... and apparently im going to learn to ride the park... hmmm. guess its a perfect excuse for some park skis..) anywho! I also had dinner with my dear friend beth, who is more of a sister than friend. We had a great convo and I think we both came to the same realization this summer - that the most important thing is to surround ourselves with the positive people in life. The ones who love life. The ones who can make you smile just by giving you a funny look or stupid text message. The ones who know that I may dance like a ridiculous ass in the front of a movie theatre, but 3 hours later finally find it amusing, cause well, it's who I am.

Secondly I got to reconnect with my friend Martin, who has been a great friend for a long time. We've been living on separate planes for a while but I think we're back on the same page. He's ready to climb with me, and I'm looking forward to ripping up the Alpy backcountry with him this winter.

What else have been reconnecting with? Well - my climbing for one. I'm climbing weekly, going to start taking some climbing lessons... And have a few new climbing partners. (Finally got my first 11.a... ).

Don't get me wrong. My life isn't perfect. But isn't that what makes life so beautiful. How would we ever appreciate anything if things were perfect?! Good days are made all that much more amazing when there are a few crappy ones mixed in there. Yea, that might be a little effed up.

Oh yea. I now have a pink dresser in my bedroom. I think Bill might go on pink overload. TOO BAD!!!

Cheers to beers everyone :-)

Monday, September 11, 2006

song of the day.

My Way Home, Citizen Cope.

"Sometimes I miss a step
I stumble here and there
I'm findin' my way home
If I'm lost then I'll admit
Sometimes i plain forget
I'm findin' my way home
You can try and stand in my way
You can say what you're gonna say
But I'm finding my way home"

What has lil been up to...

So since the third weekend in August, here is what I have been up to :-)

  • The olympic mountains, for the first time with Bill :) - pics here!
  • Ski weekend at Baker - pics here!
  • Denny Creek trail (last weekend in august) - great & easy hike for anyone looking for something quick to get out on in the weekends!
  • Back to good 'ol MA for "Bart's Birthday" & qt w/the fam (pics on their way)
  • BAKER TRIP ROUND DOS! - Just this past weekend. We headed up to Mt. Baker searching for some snow, but all we found was rain. Oh well! We had a great time, go to introduce miss gina into the mix and to Mt. B. Just a little bit of St. B's was had, along with the hot tub, great dinner, great conversations, hiking, soggy clothes, Celebrity, and new friends :).
So that should pretty much catch you up. Things coming up include a trip to NYC, a trip to SF, Gina's here for two more weeks, my mom is coming to visit, Monique is coming to visit and SKI SEASON IS ON IT'S WAY!!!

Happy september everyone!


Here's to...

Lilwaldo getting her blog updated. To get things started, here is my horoscope today. And its interesting really, because what I think a lot of people see about me is that I am a pretty happy girl. Not much really gets me down and while I have set a high caliber for what I want out of life I realize things change, people change, and you cannot predict the future. However I also know what I want and am willing to fight for it, but I just need to get better at asking for it. And I realize that it may mean I am more than some people bargain for a long the way, and more than they can handle. I am not afraid to speak my mind and say what I am thinking and what I truly want. The only thing that sometimes scares me is your response to it. Not because I am afraid of you not liking me, but I am saddened by the fact that sometimes it may lead to the end of something. And what I am learning is that if tha tis the truth, well then I guess some people are just meant to head down different roads in life. And I am starting to see, that's ok. Scarry sometimes, but ok.

Here is my horoscope.

There's a time to stand and fight, and that time is now. This endless cycle of push-me-pull-you was fine for a while, but now you need a resolution -- and fast. State your demands and then take action.