Go big or go to bed.

"our journey is not what but who we are..."

Monday, September 11, 2006

What has lil been up to...

So since the third weekend in August, here is what I have been up to :-)

  • The olympic mountains, for the first time with Bill :) - pics here!
  • Ski weekend at Baker - pics here!
  • Denny Creek trail (last weekend in august) - great & easy hike for anyone looking for something quick to get out on in the weekends!
  • Back to good 'ol MA for "Bart's Birthday" & qt w/the fam (pics on their way)
  • BAKER TRIP ROUND DOS! - Just this past weekend. We headed up to Mt. Baker searching for some snow, but all we found was rain. Oh well! We had a great time, go to introduce miss gina into the mix and to Mt. B. Just a little bit of St. B's was had, along with the hot tub, great dinner, great conversations, hiking, soggy clothes, Celebrity, and new friends :).
So that should pretty much catch you up. Things coming up include a trip to NYC, a trip to SF, Gina's here for two more weeks, my mom is coming to visit, Monique is coming to visit and SKI SEASON IS ON IT'S WAY!!!

Happy september everyone!



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