Go big or go to bed.

"our journey is not what but who we are..."

Sunday, July 23, 2006

always something...

Not too much to report from the past week. Well ok, maybe some things. Jesse's little bro Josh was in town, I worked a bunch at Vertical World, went hiking on si, messed up my ankle, babysat, had a fabulous night out on the boat, and then finally made it to today, Sunday. KT's first day up to Rainier. More on that later. Here are some pics from the Si Hike. It was pretty much your standard evening, weekday hike up. Got out of Seattle later than anticipated. It was hot. We (Bill, Lil, and TimA) sweated a lot, worked on the details of Whistler, discussed the meaning of life, ok maybe not that, but still. Great times. Beautiful sunset. I slipped a couple times on the way down and that good ol' field hockey ankle injury of mine returned, and we didn't return to the car utnil about midnight, BUT it was still a hella lotta fun. Plus, for TimA and Bill, Lil's superhuman powers were brought down a notch... Bummer for me.

To the right we have the sunset shot from Haystack on Mt. SI. Beautiful.


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