Go big or go to bed.

"our journey is not what but who we are..."

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Next move....

Since this blog is all about "where is lil waldo" i should probably let everyone know where I will be next! Next weekend Beth (The older version of me) and I are going to the coachella music festival in indio cali! I am uber excited about this as everyone will be there from Madonna to Tool, and lots in between. Plus, if all goes according to plan it will be hot HOT hot there and I will come back with a nice tan for bringing in the summer.

Plans for the NZ trip are coming along nice. Three days of skiing scheduled ! YEA!

Men & Women. Do we really speak a different language?

I think my title says it all. But i think the true problem is perception. I am starting to realize that a/i over analyze, b/i over think, c/i over analyze, d/i care a bit too much. I think what it really boils down to is the fact that everything is all about perception. I mean someone can say something jokingly to me, but my PERCEPTION on the situation could take it to mean something completely different. Which is what I am learning more and more. If men and women and women and women want to have truly functioning relationships we have to learn to seperate our perceptions from what things really mean. Lord knows I struggle with it, but here's to trying.


Work Blogs.

So, I am also a contributing writer to the Network Magic blog, Network Garage. And there seems to be an on-going debate. Do blogs and the workplace mesh... Can you really be as open and "liberal" as you want to be when you are writing a company blog, or do you have to hold your tongue a little bit to prevent upsetting partners, co-workers, competition, etc etc. We've struggled with it at Network Magic, and I still struggle with it as I write this article. If my co-workers come across my personal blog, will they quickly find out too much about me? What if they read the huntress and make the correlation (quite easily) that I am also that lil'waldo... As a girl in her mid-twenties with a business degree, and thinks she is a pretty progressive businesswoman, I think that blogs are a great way to connect and build relationships with your community/customers. But do some go to far in one extreme or another? Will we hold back for fear of people knowing who we truly are? Or are we *finally* turning into a more accepting society where we can recognize that people have unique and amazing talents, but that on a personal level our views may differ greatly? Who knows, but here's to hoping for the best!

-lil' waldo

Monday, April 17, 2006

Off to NZ

Yea!!! I booked a ticket to NZ today! WHOOO HOOO!!!! I am so very excited and I cannot wait. I will be flying into Auckland - spending time with the Buckley's (my very good friends) going to Queenstown to do some skiing, then up to Taranaki, Ruapehue (more skiing, of course) back to the Buckley's more time in Auckland and then back to the US! It's going to be a bit of a whirl-wind tour but as we all know, Libby isn't happy unless she is running her life at 50 million miles an hour :).

That being said, I have built in a day (or maybe even two) of relaxation while I'm over there. And lots of skiing, which is the best therapy that I know of.

So here's to NZ!

Welcome to the adventures of LilWaldo

Greetings! So, I've had some other blogs, but they don't seem to quite fit any more and they kind of, sort of, pigeon holed me into a certain mentality. But at this point they don't quite fit anymore! So, I'm starting my own blog, which will continue to have the same rants and raves, but will allow me more freedom. So. To kick things off, let me tell you a little story. :) To fill you in on what is going on, life has been pretty good recently. I just booked a trip to good ol' NZ... My home away from home (more on that adventure soon)... Getting back into climbing shape, a boyfriend who is almost as crazy as me, but not quite there (yet), am going to Coachella in a few weeks, and my company just launched a new product! I've been working about 60 hours a week between the climbing gym and Network Magic, and sometime I still find time to help my friend start her new company! All in a days work! Ha!

So. More to come soon!