Go big or go to bed.

"our journey is not what but who we are..."

Monday, April 17, 2006

Off to NZ

Yea!!! I booked a ticket to NZ today! WHOOO HOOO!!!! I am so very excited and I cannot wait. I will be flying into Auckland - spending time with the Buckley's (my very good friends) going to Queenstown to do some skiing, then up to Taranaki, Ruapehue (more skiing, of course) back to the Buckley's more time in Auckland and then back to the US! It's going to be a bit of a whirl-wind tour but as we all know, Libby isn't happy unless she is running her life at 50 million miles an hour :).

That being said, I have built in a day (or maybe even two) of relaxation while I'm over there. And lots of skiing, which is the best therapy that I know of.

So here's to NZ!


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