Go big or go to bed.

"our journey is not what but who we are..."

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


So, it's finally over. The Digital Life show of 2006 is finally complete and I couldn't be more happy. I don't think I realized how much that was sucking up my life until now that is over. Basically the days went as follows:

8 am - Get up
8:30 - Gym
10 - Head to the show
1030am to 8 pm - WORK the show
9 pm - midnight - Dinner
Midnight - SLEEP.

So yea, I barely saw anything of NYC, except for when TimA and I got out and about on Monday and got to at least go up the Empire State Building. Yea, I've been there before, but it was cool to see again.

However, I was greatly reminded of one thing.... I am becoming more and more of a PNW girl. I missed the tree, and mountains and hills and clean air without industrial buildings. So happy to be home. And that is all I have to say about that!

For pics visit: http://lilwaldo.smugmug.com/gallery/2019550

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

On the road, again!

Headed out to Digital Life in NYC tonight! So glad that it is *finally* here. However, I will be even more happy when the day of setting up (tomorrow) is over and the show finally begins! If any of you are in NYC and want to see me, just shoot me an email!



Friday, October 06, 2006

Thank you.

If I haven't said it enough lately, thank you just for being you. :-)

Mom is in town right now and so far so good :). She has met and hung out with Bill a couple times and that seems to be going quite well! And, tonight we are off to Leavenworth, WA for Oktoberfest and some other fun times. We'll be back tomorrow for the Liquified event and then who knows what we will do on Sunday...

Monday I leave for NYC for a week, for the Digital Life Tradeshow. I have to admit, while putting this thing together has been stressful to say the least, I am totally looking forward to it happening and (with my finger crossed) being a success!



Thursday, October 05, 2006

Golf update

So the good news is, the golf is most likely NOT going to the VW cemetary. The bad news is that I probably won't get him back till November 2nd. Still don't have the Police Report (eta - tomorrow)... But in all seriousness... people, as I've said, don't be an arse. Don't drink and drive...

I dont want to judge. And I am not going to preach abstaining. But I am going to say, everyone should be aware, their choices and actions affect the lives of others. So think.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

PSA from lilwaldo

Please people. Be smart about your choices. At 5 am on 10/3/06 my very precious golf (which many of you have grown to love as well) was hit by a drunk driver. This is not a joke and I am not trying to make light of the situation. But some dude, who was wasted at 5 am smashed into my car, bounced off and went head on into a telephone pole. More details to come as well as pictures.

Thanks to everyone who has sent their best wishes to the golf. The current status is that he is at the doctors office waiting further examination. More to come tomorrow. As well as a police report that hopefully will shed some more light onto what happend.

Be smart peeps. Take a cab. Have a DD. CALL ME AT THREE AM. But don't, don't don't drunk drive.... mmmmkay!?!?!?