Go big or go to bed.

"our journey is not what but who we are..."

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The mountains make me smile.

So after an uneventful evening last night, I got up early this morning and headed off for Mt. Ruapehu - http://www.skotel.co.nz. The drive was stunning. First it was pretty flat as I drove along the southern coastal way. Then I took a turn in towards the mountains (that were teasing me in the distance the entire time) and spend about 2 hours driving through some of the most amazing farms and country side I have ever seen. It is absolutely gorgeous. Huge rolling hills, sheep and cows everywhere, and the occasional waterfall. In some ways it slightly reminded me of West Virginia.

Ok. I have to take a break in my post. this is the SECOND time in 2 hours that vanilla ice has come on the radio. What in gods name is up with this place. I think they are obsessed with this dude... Or just stuck in the 90s. Don't know which is worse..

Ok back to my post. Upon arrival at my hotel (which sits half way up ruapehu...) I quickly checked in, dropped my stuff off and headed down to the ski shop to get the skis ready to go. And once again the big girl skis were called into question (are these yours, your brothers... someone elses?) to which i firmly said, NO! I have riden them for 2 years, and don't plan on quitting them now... I have to admit I had a bit of a smirk on whilesaying this simply because I love the expression people have. It's all about breaking down the stereotypes...

Anyways, I have limited internet access (and no way of uploading photos) so no pictures yet. I promise that on Monday I will get heaps and heaps of photos up for every one see.

For now, just picture me and three very large mountains behind me. Good enough eh?



At 7:46 AM, Blogger Samantha Farbman said...

finally exists a land where the genius of vanilla ice is appreciated.


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