Go big or go to bed.

"our journey is not what but who we are..."

Monday, June 26, 2006

Men detterant, advice to men, and a new found addiction?

So. There are a few things you quickly figure out when you are a 24 year old female, from the states, traveling in a different land. How to ward off men. The simplest way possible - take a seemingly normal silver band, throw it on your left ring finger and voila! Instant men repellent! Some might be freakishly attracted to you, but for the most part, when you don't feel like having men in speedos hit on you, while you are trying to chill out in the spa, it will help keep them away. Which leads me to the second point. Men. Do not, and I repeat, DO NOT, wear speedos. Don't teach your children to do it, and don't set a bad example! Some things should go the way of the Apple IIE and that is one of them.

However, if you find yourself around one, I highly recommend you take my advice and therapy and get a 1/2 hour water massage... mmmm I am completely hooked. It was the most relaxing 1/2 hour of my love. Ahhhh.....

So, for those of you wondering how my adve nture at the american consulate went, everything is a ok. It took a little bit to get into auckland (and i found that they put a HUGE stadium up next to where i used to live) but once i found a car park and the building the consulate was quite easy. new passport on its way!

the drive down here, to rotorua was quite beautiful. and while it is early (not even quite 8pm) i think i will grab a bit to eat and relax for the evening!


At 4:49 PM, Blogger dw.bg said...

so i took your advice and picked up a speedo today.... sexy ain't it?!?

be safe and thanks for helping me kill 15 minutes of my day... ;)


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