Go big or go to bed.

"our journey is not what but who we are..."

Friday, June 23, 2006

Ah the life of little waldo

So... As I've stated before (and will state many times in the future) seemingly normal every day things (like passing through customs) are always an adventure for lilwaldo. I have arrived in NZ, my second homeland. After a glorious flight on a 777 (where I was once again reminded why I love Air New Zealand so much) I arrived at customs. I should probably interject that my passport has some water damage. Now, I had been told by a number of officials that it would be a-ok. That I had nothing to worry about. Yea well tell that to the large Maori customs lady. She was none to amused and sent me, down to immigration. Yikes. That was scary enough!Immigration is the place for derelics. Not sweet little girls like me! HA! After a stern talking to by the customs official (he was a bit harsh) I was told that I was allowed in but needed to get a new passport with American consulate before I left. Ok, two weeks to do so. Shouldn't be too bad? Right? Well, being the tech savy child that I am, I immediately hopped onto some WIFI found all the right documents and you can bet at 830 am Monday morning the Auckland consulate will be seeing my bright and shinning little face.

ALWAYS an adventure. That's what I love about my life. The initial stress is over. I've got a plan and will have it all taken care of. And hey, I'm cleared to stay for 3 months, worst case scenario, I'm stuck here, in a land that I absolutely love.

So its a beautfiul day, albeit its 730 am and I'm utterly exhausted, but its gorgeous outside, my shuttle to pick up my car will be here in no time, and I will be on my way to hanging with friends, seeing new sites, and chillin on the mountain!

Cheers everyone!



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