Go big or go to bed.

"our journey is not what but who we are..."

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

people are not right in the head.

CNN Headline today, "$200 bottle of champagne from Hooters and $300 worth of "Girls Gone Wild" videos were among items bought with debit cards handed out by FEMA to help hurricane victims, auditors probing $1 billion in potential waste and fraud have found."

Is anyone else as outraged by this as I am? I mean, the largest at-home disaster for the US in YEARS takes place. Isn't it bad enough how our government handled the situation, couldn't humanity at least pick up some of the slack? Now I'm sure many of you are thinking, lil, stop being so naive. This is reality. Well I'm sorry, I won't take that for an excuse. I never have and I never will. People say that "idealists" like myself paint a pretty picture in our heads that will never come true. I'm sorry, but I just don't agree. I think there is some really messed up shit in this world right now. No doubt about it. However, I also believe that there is a better way. And if we don't at least strive for something better - a unified human race, then what is the point? Crappy things happen to us all. But that is no reason to be cynical about the future. We need to learn from the bad experiences and push for the good ones.

Now, I should say, I do not believe that we will all hold hands and skip around like at a hippie fest. In fact, I'm starting to realize that that attiude drives me crazy, because the truth is, we will not all just get along. However, what we can do is exist on this planet together. Some groups will never get along and be all lovey dovey "living in perfect harmony." However - I do believe that at some point we can all co-exist. Otherwise, what's the point in getting up everyday if you don't believe things have the power to change?

Ok. There lilwaldo's world view post.


"Our past makes us who we are today but it does not determine who we will be in the future...that is up to us alone."


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