Go big or go to bed.

"our journey is not what but who we are..."

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Ok. So things have been a bit crazy.

Ok. So. In a matter of a week all of the following happened:
  • Camped at Rainier one more time before heading out of town
  • Had an amazing day on the mtn with some great friends
  • Got hysterical looks from the RMI guides when they first saw the tiara on my head (hey, it was princess day on the mtn, well in my world it was) and it was even funnier when they saw the big girl skis (aka my blizzards).
  • Killer turns had coming down from Rainier
  • MADE it all the way to paradise without having to hike the skis (sorry bill and Tim - found a much better way down!)
  • Had a little blister turn into a monster.
  • Got a tetnus shot
  • Went on one type of antibiotics
  • Almost had my trip cancelled by my doctor
  • Found out I have a kick ass immune system
  • trip was back on, again
  • On new meds

Still haven't packed, shopped or done most anything.
Still have a few things to wrap up for work.
Oh yea, and did I mention I get on the plane in less than 24 hours.

Life is fun as lilwaldo. :-)


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