Go big or go to bed.

"our journey is not what but who we are..."

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Arrival, Mon, & silly memories

So. After finally making it through customs/immigration and finally getting my car (and quickly briefing myself on driving on the "left" side of the road, I finally was on my way to Moniques farm. I was quickly greeted by her mum and dad, served a cuppa (for those of you in Seattle that would be a latte, for those of you in Boston, that would be a cup 'o caafeee.) Monique shortly returned home from the gym and it really was like no time has passed at all. I have a few friends like this, around the world actually. Where I may not see them for days, weeks, months, and with Mon, YEARS, but its like we haven't missed a beat. We quickly caught up and found out a couple things...

  • 25 year old women throughout the world deal with the same problems when it comes to men and we all feel the same frusterations
  • the universal truth - men don't want to be married until they *finally* find the right one
  • it doesn't get better as we get older...
  • ha. i had a date with kiwi bloke at this place on the right... couldn't remember at first why it was so familar.. ha ha ha...

Anyways, after revisiting some of my old fav. locations (and seeing some crazy changes have taken place.) was quickly reminded how much I love NZ hot chocolate (and that I must bring some of the marshmallows home..) Dinner was had with Mon and her girlfriends (the three of them could quite easily be living mirror lives to KT and lil, I told them of some of the adventures we had, and had them roaring with laughter...KT wait till I tell you some of their stories...)

Anyways, on Sunday I headed down to the Buckleys farm in Te Kwata. When I arrived I found out that Peter and Jud were off picking up their little grandson Zach. Once they arrived home, Tam and I had a nice walk around the farm. I really wanted to see those 51 trees I planted three years ago. While I was hoping they'd be quite large by this point. Oh well. Jud, my kiwi "mum", cooked an amazing roast with kumras, potatoes, parsnip, mashies, peas, and pavlova for dessert. I was a very happy girl and couldn't stay up for very long at all. Apparently dancing with the stars is all the rage here - but yet I couldn't make it through it.


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