Go big or go to bed.

"our journey is not what but who we are..."

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Another day..

So after an incredible sunset last evening, I headed homne for a relaxing "spa" (ok it was just a bath, but just imagine if you will..) had some pizza and not suprisingly was fast asleep. I know I should be out partying, but in all honestly, this is the most relaxed I have felt in years. I have never been able to let things "just go" the way I have on this vacation. I used to freak out all the time, and would have let the passport issue just destroy me with worry. Now, Im just kind of relaxed. Everything is so not intense on this trip.

Anyways, today I was up at 645 and up the hill (behind my hotel) to shoot the mountain and city at sunrise. It was incredible> Then I took off for some hiking on mt. taranaki. And let tell you, these kiwi skiiers are tough. Now I know I do a lot of hiking for a little bit of skiing, but these KIDS (yes kids) who are on holiday, will drive up 40 min, park their cars, hike another 40 min, just to get to a dinky little ski field. I found the hike quite enjoyable (and wished I had known the ski field would be open cause then the big girl skis would have come with me..) Oh well. It was a nice indeed at 9am in the morning - great way to start the day.

Now I am back in New Plymouth, in a great restaurant (with wifi) over looking the water, sipping a glass of NZ chardonnay (yes, i know I am turning into my mothers daughter)and just relaxing.

Ok. here are some photos!

This is Mt. Taranaki at sunris
e (7am) this morning!

This one is where I went hiking today!!


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