Go big or go to bed.

"our journey is not what but who we are..."

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Dating outside your sport.

There are many different theories on dating.... Opposites attract, birds of a feather flock together, etc etc etc... Today, while boulding at VW (the climbing gym - not in my car, silly people) I was reading urban climber and came across an interesting "ask the editor" article. This dude was complaining because his chick wasn't into climbing so he was seeking advice on how to get her into it. The editor gave some good tips, but also noted that if she really isn't into it, well it could be a great cause of strife. Which got me thinking - should we date outside our sports? My friend Samantha commented the other day how as we grow up sports become more of your lifestyle, rather than just something you do for fun. For example, most of my close friends are pretty hardcore climbers and skiiers - not only is it what we do for fun - but it is more that this. It is the passion in our life. It is what we do with our vacation. It is what we do after work, on the weekends, any free moment we have is dedicated to it. So what happens when we date outside our sports. What happens if you date someone who isnt into the same sport as you.... And what if they have no interest in joining the sport you love? Now I'm not saying you have to do everything together, everyone needs their own space, but as I am involved in more relationships I am starting to realize how important it is to have someone who shares some of the same interests as you. Someone who, if you want to go away for the weekend will be just as jazzed as you to get on a new sport route, or do some spring skinning to get that last bit of pow before its gone for good. The sport itself isn't what is truly important, but rather having someone who enjoys getting out there and being a part of what you love.


At 11:48 AM, Blogger lilwaldo said...

interesting point you raise - however, i do think there has to be something, other than just physical attraction that will tie the two of you together - give something for you two to bond over. at least at the start.


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