Go big or go to bed.

"our journey is not what but who we are..."

Sunday, May 14, 2006

J.Hole here I come!

So! New development have decided to bail on Sasquatch for memorial day and am going to Jackson Hole instead. Why J. hole, may you ask? (Which really is a silly question in of itself, but alas I digress) J.Hole provides a couple of things for me. One - to try out my new digital camera/ video recorder - so that I am well acquainted with it before the big trip across the pond, two - am in desperate need of a road trip, and three - to visit someone who has known me all too long and even though we didn't see eachother for ten years (yes, Beth I am old enough to have been very close with someone and not have seen them for that long) he still knows how to push my buttons. Oh and his little bro is driving out there with me - which will be an adventure itself. --> Here's an example of why this trip is going to be oh so very entertaining. Ben and I got into a discussion as to who's car should be taken - and the only qualifying characteristic is (not gas mileage, not comfort, not room) but coolness. OBVIOUSLY my vw golf is cooler than his mom-mobile, I mean volvo. However, the only true way to solve this is by competition. Now you might think we would race our cars or something normal like that. But no - the only true way to decide who's car is cooler is by having a three-legged race (we each have to bring a partner) around Queen Anne. Oh yea, both ben and I have to balance an egg on a spoon with one hand the entire time. How this competition will decide which car is cooler I have no clue. But the fact is , it goes to show how absolutely asinine our trip is going to be. And I, for one, cannot wait for the adventures to begin.



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