Go big or go to bed.

"our journey is not what but who we are..."

Monday, May 29, 2006

Thursday May 25th 2006

So. I have finally made it back to seattle, but before I get to that bit of the journey I should probably back step about 5 days. back to where it began. On Thursday evening, around 7pm, Ben and I finally made it out of Seattle. After fighting city traffic, a pitstop at bens house and few other random things, we were on our way and saying adious to this fair city.

This first evening was not all that exciting. Other than the fact that we picked up "new friend." Everyone, meet JC - or Jesus Coconut, our coconut travelling buddy that we found in the Safeway in Cle Elum. While he is not the most talkative individual he most certianly has a mean stare. Anyways, that first evening we drove all they way through UMATILLA and into central/eastern oregon. At about 1:45am we could not drive an longer and slept in a rest stop. I however, was awake at a lovely 5am and couldn't stand it any longer. Told ben to get ready cause we were hitting the road, again.

The views were pretty incredible during the day. The mountains were looming in the distance every where you looked. Nevanda and Utah to the south, Idaho to the north and then, eventually, of course the amazing tetons to the east. If you have never seen the Tetons, I can certainly tell you, you are missing out on something pretty amazing. While they resemble the north cascades there is something unique about them that made me strangely feel very distant from my home mountains, the cascades.

Around 12:30pm mountain time we arrived in "downtown" jackson, called up alex and gave him very chipper "we're here." And alas, we had arrived in Jackson, Wyoming.

If you had pulled me aside right then and there and told me the adventures that were forthcoming, I honestly don't know what my thoughts would have been. As I've stated before, on of my favorite things
in life is the anticipation of the unexpected. And well, this weekend was full of excactly that. Completely unexpected events that have left me in an amazingly good mood, confident with some of my recent life choices, and even more self aware and self understanding than before. All that in only four days, I can only imagine what is going to come out of the two weeks in NZ.

So for now, it is very late, I have driven a ton today, and I'd like to get some sleep. So I will sign out, but know, there is a whole lot more coming at you!



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