Go big or go to bed.

"our journey is not what but who we are..."

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Opening Day.

It. Finally. Arrived. Opening day at Alpental. Now, I have to say, while my day wasn't quite as stellar as Shredfield's at Mountain High it was pretty stellar.

I will admit the lines first thing sucked. Oh well. The crowds were stoked to wait for Chair 2 to get crusin. And yea, it was just as I remembered. We first took a run down Edlewiess Bowl, then cut over to Powder Bowl, a run on Shot Six, a run down International (yea, that was sick.) and then the afternoon we went back to Powder, Tim and Bill did a little hiking. Our buddy Steve, from Pure, also joined us. And while I know my way around Alpental, he really knows his way around. Especially since he used to be patrol and now is a mountain host. It's nice to have someone else around who is willing to do a little extra work to get that extra bit of powder.

Now while I feel bad the boys couldn't get up to Baker for the weekend, it was great for them to see the Alpental that I truly love. And of course, hanging out and letting them finally see who the infamous and notorious Helen is, was pretty fun too.

  • Tim & Bill Hiking

  • Bill & I happily at the top of Chair 2!

  • This is what happens if you don't pay attention on Chair 2:

  • You could see clear to Rainier. I think maybe this is part of why I love Alpy so much. The views are simply incredible.

  • Lilwaldo after an amazing day on Alpental

  • night night alpental. i will dream about you!

    See complete fotos.


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