Go big or go to bed.

"our journey is not what but who we are..."

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Days like today....

Congrats to miss KT. You kicked some serious Rainier ass today!

Days like today are the reason I believe I am so truly happy, all of the time. Today was another big first for KT. On this day, KT had her first Mt. Rainier "experience." Most of you know that Mt. Rainier holds an incredibly special place in my heart. It is like my home away from home. I love the sites, the sounds, the snow, the trials, and the experience of Rainier. And for the first time, miss KT took her first steps on Rainier. The first few minutes were a little rough, but then again, that paved steep part at the beginning is a bitch for us all. But eventually we got into a nice groooooove and up and up we went. Chatting our way up. Laughing at some crazy memories from the winter ("SHE TAKES MY MONEY, WHEN IM IN NEEEEEEEED".) Conversations ranged from fashions sense commentary (bike shorts? on the mountain?) to the very serious ones regarding our number one driving philosophy that we are only going to surround ourselves with people who are positive on life and who do things for no other reason than that it is what they love to do.

As we continued up I kept on running into people I knew up the mountain. Brenda W (RMI guide) was on her way back down from a killer summit climb, with some guys who brought up a nine-iron just to chip one off the summit, other random people from the gym, etc etc. After what seemed like no time, we made it to Pebble Creek at 7200. KT was still feeling great after having my favorite snikkey snack, gummy bears and a nectarine, up again we went. We were quickly on the snowfield and after figuring out her footing, KT was nipping my heels the whole way up. At this point, it was about 2 oclock, wickedly hot, and right when we were needing a brief break, what should come down over the mountain side, none other than our own personal parade of RMI guides, which are always appealing to look at. We climbed up a bit higher, hung out for a little while, rested, relaxed, had a photo shoot, and then decided it was time to slide on down (no, no riding down this time).

The downclimb. Was. Nothing. Short. Of. Amusing. Shortly after we started coming down (aka riding down the speed tracks on our asses - lil still in her skirt and kt (who changed into shorts) we ran into this group of peeps heading down as well. Their brillant idea for coming down: the Garbage bag diaper. BRILLANT!

The snow chutes (where you slide down) were quite slick and a booty shake was necessary to make sure you got all the cold ness out of your undies, but other than that. After that things calmed down quite a bit. Conversations continued. Winter memories were rehashed (God we miss being Chair2 chicks...), life plans continued to unfold, and new memories created. Dinner at Copper Creek was fab as always. Now for some more pics and quotes.

"It's like our own personalized strip club."
"I just bought my own condo. I'm pretty pysched."
"The eighties want all their shit back."
"Its pink. I must have it."
"Hands down, this is the best day."
"You might want to hold your breath."
"explitive, explitive, explitive...." to all the cars/busses/minivans/range rovers in the golfs way.
"We give new meaning to the meaning of being a "watergirl" skirt. We just use them on frozen water."
"What's with the skirts, you girls trying to prove something?" - "No, we're just smart enough to know how to stay nice and cool..."
"Don't worry, they're serving margaritas at the bar at muir..."
"I just hiked up this fucking mountain. What the hell did you do with your day." (KT to the rest of the world.)
"Dude I totally just got the once over from that Lady"KT - "The old one?"Lil - "Yup."KT
"You all been up to Lake Muir...?"
"Dude. Did you SEE HER HAIR..." "How could I miss it...It's taking up my entire rear view mirror..."
"I am not a one trick pony."

"It's always better in a skirt."

Here's to having more of these to come. I will go to bed a happy Lil' Waldo tonight.


At 10:02 AM, Blogger MeanKatie said...

You forgot one thing.... "dude's got hydrolics on his truck!"


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