Go big or go to bed.

"our journey is not what but who we are..."

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Yet another weekend adventure....

Ok. So this weekend wasn't quite the same as the one before. I didn't ski down any big mountains, I didn't have any adventures involving men, however, I am coming away from this weekend once again with a reassurance about a few things in my life:
  • I am fiercely indepdent.
  • Hood river rocks my world
  • Lost lake, should really be called hidden because when you put the sign in the middle of the intersection it makes it really hard to find the stinkin' thing
  • The dude at the general store in lost lake is darling - he gave me a plastic fork "on the house"
  • If you see a car with tires taller than you - you will loose the bet- if you make the claim that they are hot based on the fact that they are wearing baseball caps
  • It is impossible to overcome OCD systematically because you get stuck on step two and keep repeating it over and over and over and over
  • Samantha is a true friend.
  • I have a tendency to get over-involved and it is my new goal to over come this
  • I love to spend every single night that I can in a tent with my friends, laughing over stupid shit, getting up at 4 am to take pictures of sunrises that don't happen, having coffee - sitting on a wall - overlooking some of the most amazing mountains I know - and being tired for the rest of the day, but not taking a nap
  • driving relaxes me until people from seattle cut me off.
  • RMI guides will always be hot. No matter what.
  • Mt. Hood, Mt. St. Helens, and Mt. Rainier like to play "peek-a-boo" with one another
  • When a national park road says closed ten miles a head, its probably for a good reason and you probably shouldn't try and push your luck because you might just "happen" to end up with a car making funny noises... that would never happen in real life of course
  • After a few waterfalls - they do all start to look the same.
  • Getting a way every weekend - my number one goal for the summer.
That pretty much sums up my weekend, now I must get all these pesky pictures up online. Thank god I finally learned all the ins and outs of my camera... Till the next adventure!



At 12:43 PM, Blogger MeanKatie said...

you live in Seattle... would it have been better if an east coaster would have cut you off?

2) as soon as guys take their hats off... all bets are off.

3) I love the part about repeating step two. That made me laugh.


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