Go big or go to bed.

"our journey is not what but who we are..."

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Work Blogs.

So, I am also a contributing writer to the Network Magic blog, Network Garage. And there seems to be an on-going debate. Do blogs and the workplace mesh... Can you really be as open and "liberal" as you want to be when you are writing a company blog, or do you have to hold your tongue a little bit to prevent upsetting partners, co-workers, competition, etc etc. We've struggled with it at Network Magic, and I still struggle with it as I write this article. If my co-workers come across my personal blog, will they quickly find out too much about me? What if they read the huntress and make the correlation (quite easily) that I am also that lil'waldo... As a girl in her mid-twenties with a business degree, and thinks she is a pretty progressive businesswoman, I think that blogs are a great way to connect and build relationships with your community/customers. But do some go to far in one extreme or another? Will we hold back for fear of people knowing who we truly are? Or are we *finally* turning into a more accepting society where we can recognize that people have unique and amazing talents, but that on a personal level our views may differ greatly? Who knows, but here's to hoping for the best!

-lil' waldo


At 12:21 PM, Blogger MeanKatie said...

I would like to point out that while sort of lollygagging through the blogs by using the 'next blog' button here on blogger.com... I came across a page that was -at first - totally normal, with a pic of a woman in a car with an iguana on her head (ok maybe not TOTALLY NORMAL) but then when i scrolled down just a bit more... there are her and her husband. Chillin'. on the couch... totally NUDE... and pretty happy. If you get my drift. Some things... should just stay private.


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